湖工大国际〔2022〕4 《湖北工业大学来华留学生培养管理办法》






















Hubei University of Technology International Student

Educational Management Regulations


第一章  总则

Chapter 1  Principles

第一条  为了维护学校外国留学生正常的教学秩序,保证人才培养质量,根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定》,结合我校来华留学生教育管理工作,特制定本管理办法。

Article 1  In order to maintain the normal teaching order of international students and ensure quality talent cultivation, these regulations have been formulated according to the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, Rules on International Students' Enrollment in China's Colleges and Universities as well as in combination with the educational management of international students at Hubei University of Technology.

第二条  来华留学生应遵守中华人民共和国宪法、法律、法规,遵守《中华人民共和国高等学校学生行为准则》,遵守中国民族传统和习惯,遵守学校规章制度,具有良好的道德品质和行为习惯。

Article 2  International students shall abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the Code of Conduct of Students of Higher Learning of the People's Republic of China. They shall comply with the Chinese national traditions and habits, the school rules and regulations and they shall have good moral characters and behavior habits


第二章  入学与注册

Chapter 2   Admission and Registration

第三条  新生入学须持有效护照原件、《录取通知书》《外国留学生来华签证申请表》(简称JW202表)、有效X1/X2签证或学习类居留许可、体检报告、最高学历证书等材料,按学校规定的时间到湖北工业大学国际学院办理入学手续。

Article 3  International freshmen shall register in the School of International Education (hereinafter referred to as “SIE”) of Hubei University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “HBUT”) according to the time specified by the university with their original valid passport, admission letter, Visa Application for Study in China (abbreviated as JW202 Form), valid X1/X2 Visa or Study-Type Residence Permit, their physical examination report, Graduation Certificate (the highest education), and other related materials.

第四条  因故不能按期入学报到的新生,须向国际学院招生办公室请假,请假时间一般不得超过2周。未请假或请假逾期2周不报到者,除因不可抗力等正当事由外,视为放弃入学资格。

Article 4  International freshmen who fail to arrive and register on time must apply for deferred admission to the university through the Admissions Office of SIE. This period must not exceed 2 weeks under normal circumstances. Students who fail to apply or apply after the expiry of the two weeks grace period will be deemed to have given up their offer of admission in lieu of force majeure and other due causes.

第五条  入学资格审查。入学前,按照国家移民局、湖北省教育厅、湖北省人民政府外事办公室相关规定审查学生身份、学历、语言水平等信息,办理《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》《录取通知书》等入学材料;入学报到时,复核学生身份、学历、证照等信息,审查合格的办理入学手续;如资格审查与本人情况不符,取消其入学资格。

Article 5  Admission qualification examination. Before  enrollment, students’ identity, education background, language level and other information will be reviewed by HBUT in accordance with relevant regulations of the National Immigration Administration, the Hubei Province Department of Education, and the Hubei Provincial Foreign Affairs Office. Students must submit their Visa Application for Study in China, letter of admission and other materials. When registering, the school will review students’ identity, education background, and other related materials and information. Students who pass the examination will be allowed to go through the admission formalities; if the qualification examination is inconsistent with their situation, the admission qualification shall be revoked.

第六条  新生因疾病或其他自身原因不能入学的,可于报到之日起2周内,申请保留入学资格,保留入学资格不超过1年。保留入学资格期间,学生不具有学校学籍,不享受在校学生待遇。

Article 6  International freshmen who fail to arrive and register on time are allowed to apply for retention of the admission qualification within 2 weeks of the date of registration. The retention of the admission qualification shall not exceed 1 year. During the retention period, students are not classified as official students of HBUT and will not be treated as such.

第七条  有重大病史或入学体检发现学生身心状况不适宜在校学习,可参照第六条申请保留入学资格。

Article 7  If the student is found to have a major disease history or is found to be physically and mentally unfit to study at HBUT during the physical examination for admission, please refer to Article 6 to apply for retention of admission.

第八条  自费留学生在入学报到时,应缴纳第一学年的相关费用,方可办理入学手续。

Article 8  International freshmen will be responsible for all of the relevant fees at their own expense for the first semester before going through the admission procedures.

第九条  住宿登记与居留许可。新生须在入住24小时内到居住地派出所办理住宿登记,须在签证/居留许可有效期内换发居留许可。

Article 9  Accommodation registration and residence permit. International freshmen must go to the local police station to register for accommodation within 24 hours after arrival at their accommodation, as well as renew their residence permit within the validity period of their visa/residence permit.

第十条  学生应当在每学年开学2周内,按照其专业年级的缴费标准,以学年为单位缴纳学费。由本人持学生证及缴费证明到国际学院办理相关注册手续(或在线提交缴费证明进行网上注册)。因故不能如期注册者,必须履行请假手续。国际学院对未按时到校的学生,分别按病、事假或旷课记载。未注册者不能取得新学期的学籍,不能进入课程学习,不予以学分认可。

Article 10  Students must pay their tuition fees for each academic year according to the payment standard of their major and grade during the first two weeks of each new academic year, and go through relevant registration procedures at SIE with their student card and payment certificate (or submit payment certificate for online registration). Students who are unable to register on time must go through the formalities of deferred admission. Students who failed to arrive on time shall be recorded as sick leave, personal leave, or absence accordingly by SIE. Unregistered students can not obtain the student status of the new semester, can not take courses, and the courses they have taken will not be recognized for credits.

第十一条  凡休学、请假或其他原因离校的学生,未经批准入学者,不予注册。

Article 11  Students who are away from the university for suspension, leave of absence, or any other reason shall not be allowed to be registered without approved enrollment.


第三章  学制与修业年限

Chapter 3   Length of Schooling and Duration of Study

第十二条  四年制本科修业年限为46年,五年制本科学习年限为5-7, 3年制硕士研究生修业年限为34年,3年制博士研究生修业年限为35年;访问学者及进修生的修业年限以当年招生简章为准。

Article 12  The length of schooling for a four-year undergraduate program is four to six years, a five-year undergraduate program is five to seven years, a three-year master's program is three to four years and a three-year doctor’s program is three to five years. If it is for visiting scholars and short-term program students[xw1] , the student recruitment brochure for the current year shall take precedence.


第四章  课程考核与成绩记载

Chapter 4   Course Assessment and Score Recording

第十三条  学生应根据所学专业的人才培养方案在所编班级修读相应课程,擅自跟班修读课程者成绩无效,不计学分。

Article 13  Students should take corresponding courses in their class according to the curriculum of their major. Grades of students taking part class without permission are invalid and will not be credited.

第十四条  湖北工业大学来华留学生人才培养方案的课程体系由理论教学(含通识教育课程、学科大类基础课程、学科专业基础课程、专业核心课程)和集中实践教学两部分组成。学生应根据培养方案的规定,修满各类课程的学分。

Article 14  The curriculum system of the talent training program for international students at HBUT consists of two parts, namely, Theoretical Teaching& Learning (including general education courses, basic courses of major disciplines and core courses of major disciplines) and intensive practical education. Students must obtain full credits for each type of courses according to the talent training program.

第十五条  汉语和中国概况是接受学历教育留学生的必修课。以中文为专业教学语言的学科、专业(包含汉语国际教育专业)的硕/博士、本科毕业生汉语水平考试(HSK)需达到五级水平,毕业论文必须采用中文撰写及答辩;以外语为专业教学语言的学科、专业,本科毕业生汉语水平考试(HSK)需达到四级水平,硕/博士毕业生汉语水平考试(HSK)需达到三级水平,毕业论文撰写及答辩可采用英语或中文。

Article 15  Chinese Language and China Panorama are compulsory courses for international students receiving academic education. Master/doctoral and undergraduate graduates of disciplines and majors (including Chinese International Education) with Chinese as the professional teaching language are required to reach HSK Band 5 and they are required to write and defend their graduation thesis in Chinese; for disciplines and majors with a foreign language as the professional teaching language, undergraduate graduates need to reach HSK Band 4 and master/doctoral graduates need to reach HSK Band 3 and the graduates' dissertation can be written and defended either in English or in Chinese.

第十六条  学生因转学、转专业、降级编班等情况,已经取得的现学专业课程体系中某门(或几门)课程的学分,同时课程教学内容基本符合现行教学大纲规定要求,成绩合格的,可以申请免修。学生应当在开课2周以内,向国际学院提交《湖北工业大学来华留学生课程免修申请单》,经开课单位批准、国际学院备案后,可以免修相应课程;中国概况、体育、实验、实习、课程设计、毕业设计(论文)等不得免修。

Article 16  Students may apply for exemption because of a school transfer, a change of major course, downgrading of a course or other circumstances, if they have obtained credits from a course (or several courses) in the current professional curriculum system with passing grades while the teaching content of the course basically meets the requirements of the current teaching syllabus. Students applying for exemption are required to submit the “International Student Course Exemption Application Form” to SIE within two weeks of the beginning of the course. The application takes effect after the approval of the school offering the course and being recorded by the SIE. Courses that are not allowed to be exempted include Chinese panorama, PE, experimental practice, course design and graduate design (thesis) etc.

第十七条  来华留学生可自愿在公选课平台选修相关课程。一经选定,不得随意退选。确有特殊困难,应在该课程开课2周内,向国际学院教务办提出退选申请,经批准备案后方能生效。公共选修课不及格科目,可以改选其他课程代替。

Article 17  International students may voluntarily select relevant courses on the elective course platform. Once selected, it cannot be deselected. In case of special difficulties, students should submit an application for withdrawal to the Teaching Affairs Office in SIE within 2 weeks of the beginning of the relevant course. The application will take effect after being approved and recorded. Students who have failed a public elective course may choose another alternative course to replace it.

第十八条  来华留学生必须参加人才培养方案规定的课程考核,考核成绩载入本人档案。课程的考核一般在每学期考试周内进行,可分为考试和考查两种,考核可以采用笔试、口试、学术论文、读书报告等方式进行。课程考核由学校统一安排在每学期最后一至两周进行,不得提前或推迟。

Article 18  International students must take part in course assessments specified in the talent training program. The test results will be recorded in their profiles. Course assessments required shall be carried out in the examination week of each semester excluding extenuating circumstances. Forms such as closed-book exams, open-book exams, oral tests, written tests, academic papers, practical operations etc. can be adopted as assessments. The arrangement for course assessments will be made by the university in the last one to two week(s) of each semester, rescheduling of examinations or assessments by students is forbidden.

第十九条  课程考核的成绩评定,均采用百分制或者等级制。等级记分分为:优、良、中、及格、不及格5级。等级记分在计算学分绩点时,对应转换成百分制。其中“优”对应95分,“良”对应85分,“中”对应75分、“及格”对应60分、“不及格”对应零分。

Article 19  The performance assessment of the course by examination or other forms shall adopt the hundred-mark system or graded system. The graded system is divided into five ranks, namely, excellent, good, medium, pass and fail. The grade should be converted to the hundred-mark system when calculating course points, with "Excellent" corresponding to 95 points, "good" corresponding to 85 points, "moderate" corresponding to 75 points, "passing" corresponding to 60 points, and "failing" corresponding to 0 points.

第二十条  课程考核成绩由平时成绩、过程考核成绩和期末考试成绩等3部分构成。平时成绩所占权重一般为总成绩的30%,主要指学生考勤。过程考核和期末考试成绩之和所占权重一般为总成绩的70%,包括完成实验、实习、课外作业、习题课、课堂讨论、平时测验成绩等。任课教师也可以根据特点适当提高平时成绩所占权重,但最高不得超过50%

Article 20  The course assessment score consists of a score for attendance, a score for assignments &performance, and a score for the final examination. The weight of score for attendance is generally 30% of the total score. The score for assignments & performance generally accounts for 70% of the total score. It may include but is not limited to including experiments, practices, extracurricular homework, exercise classes, class discussions, results for regular tests, etc. The teacher may also appropriately increase the proportion of each section according to the course’s characteristics, however the maximum proportion for the attendance section may not exceed 50%.

第二十一条  所学课程必须经考核及格(60分以上),才能取得该门课程的学分。

Article 21  International students can obtain credit for a course only if they pass the course examination (no less than 60%).

第二十二条  计算课程学分,以该课程的学时(周数)为主要依据。学分最小单位为0.5分。一般情况下,课程每16学时按照1学分计算,体育课每32学时按照1学分计算,集中进行的实践教学环节每周按照1学分计算。

Article 22  Course credits are calculated mainly based on the course’s class periods (number of weeks). The minimum credit unit is 0.5 points. Every 16 class periods of a course are calculated as 1 credit. Every 32 class periods of Physical Education course are calculated as 1 credit. And intensive practical education is calculated as 1 credit per week.

第二十三条  平均学分绩点的计算规定如下:







Article 23  The method for calculating GPA (Grade Point Average) is specified as follows

(1) Course grade point:

Test score of the course 60, course grade point = 0;

Test score of the course ≥60, course grade point = test score ÷ 10-5.

(2) GPA

The calculation method of the average score is specified as follows:

Both GPA and the average score are accurate to two decimal places.

第二十四条  正常参加教学活动超过3/4,但临近课程考核时,因患病或意外事故等特殊原因不能按时参加考试或考查时,必须在考前向国际学院教务办提出缓考书面申请(请病假须有校医院或指定医院诊断证明),经批准后方可生效。缓考学生,登分时在成绩栏注明“缓考”字样,同时应当如实记载过程考核成绩。缓考学生应当参加下一学期该门课程的补考或重修,缓考课程成绩不作为补考或重修成绩处理;

Article 24  Students must apply for a written delay to the Teaching Affairs Office of SIE before the final exam when they have attended over 3/4 of the class sessions, yet are unable to take the exam or other forms of assessment due to illness, accident, or other extenuating circumstances (Sick leave must be certified by the HBUT hospital or a specifically designated hospital). The application shall take effect hospital approval. The score for students applying for delaying taking the final exam shall be registered as “delayed” in the grade table and the score for assignments & performance must be recorded. These students shall take the make-up examination or retake the course during the next semester. In this case, the score of the course’s final exam will not be treated as that of a make-up or a resit examination.

第二十五条  对必修课缺考或考试舞弊者,无论该门课程是否及格,将在学生成绩表中注明该门课程“舞弊”或“旷考”字样,其学分均以零分记载。对考试舞弊者,学校视情节轻重,给予纪律处分,并于下一学期开学初参加由国际学院组织的补考,统一组织专业教师阅卷评分。若补考仍不及格者,随下一年级开设的课程进行重修。若无合适的重修课程,可选择自学修读。

Article 25  Students who are absent from the final examination of compulsory courses without permission or cheat in the final examination, regardless of whether they pass, the words "cheating" or "absent" will be recorded in the student’s grade table, and their credits for the course will be recorded as zero. Students who cheat in the exam will be subject to disciplinary action depending on the circumstances. Students should take a make-up examination organized by SIE at the beginning of the next semester. SIE will organize professional teachers to mark these papers. If students still fail the make-up examination, they shall retake the course with the next cohort. If there is no suitable course to be retaken, they can choose to self-study.

第二十六条  考试、考查成绩一经评定,不得更改。对旷课的学生,根据旷课的时数和情节,给予批评教育,情节严重者给予纪律处分。每门课程迟到或早退三次计为一次旷课,病假四次计为一次旷课,事假二次计为一次旷课,公假四次计为一次旷课,无故缺勤计为一次旷课,旷课累计超过本学期某门课程教学时数1/36周者,不得参加本门课程的考核。

Article 26  Examination resultsor other assessment forms, once marked, are not permitted to be changed. Students who are absent from school will be given remedial education, and serious cases will be subject to disciplinary action. For each course, being late or leaving early three times, sick leave four times, personal leave two times, public leave four times and each unexcused absence are counted as one truancy. Students who ask for leave for more than 1/3 of the course period(or six weeks) are not permitted to participate in the course assessment.


第五章  补考、重修

Chapter 5   Make-up Examination, Course Retaking

第二十七条  补考。每学期开学初,对上一学期不及格课程安排的考试环节,称为补考。每门课程只有1次补考机会。补考成绩合格者,可以获得规定的学分和课程绩点。

Article 27  Make Up Examination. “Make-up Examination” refers to the examination session held at the beginning of each semester for students who failed courses in the last semester. Only one make-up examination shall be made for one failed course. International students who have passed the make-up examination are able to gain the specified course credits and grade points of the course.

第二十八条  重修。学生已经修习的通识教育必修课、学科基础课程和专业课程补考后仍未及格,应当重修;学生不得重修已取得学分的课程。因学校专业人才培养方案的变动而无法参加同一课程的重修,学生重修的替代课程由开课单位决定,国际学院备案。

Article 28  Retaking of a Course. Students must retake courses if they have failed to pass the make-up exams for compulsory general education courses,  basic courses of a discipline and professional courses which they have already taken. If a student has already received credits from a course, they will not be permitted to retake it. If students are unable to retake the same course due to a change in the university's professional talent training program, an alternative course for retaking shall be decided on by the school offering the course and recorded by SIE.


第六章  学业警示、重新编级与退学

Chapter 6  Academic Warning, Re-grading, and Withdrawal

第二十九条  学业警示是指学校对考核不及格的课程达到一定学分、学业进程滞后的学生,给予的特别提醒。

Article 29  Academic warning refers to a special reminder given by the school to students who have accumulated an amount of failed courses and their academic progress is lagging behind.

第三十条  学校对累计不及格课程总学分达到15学分以及所修读理论课程总学分低于同年级同专业平均水平2/3的学生,给予学业警示。学业警示应当由来华留学生管理办公室送达学生本人。

Article 30  International Students who have accumulated 15 credits of failed courses and whose total credits of theoretical courses are lower than 2/3 of the average level of students in the same grade and major shall be given an academic warning. The academic warning shall be delivered to international students themselves by the International Student Affairs Office.

第三十一条  重新编级是指将学生编入下一年级同专业继续学习。学生有下列情况之一的,应当重新编级:




Article 31  Re-grading means that international students are incorporated into the next cohort and continue to study in the same major. A student shall be re-graded under any of the following circumstances:

(1) At the end of the first year, students have earned less than half of the credits on the university’s recommended class schedule.

(2) By the end of sophomore and junior years, students have earned less than two-thirds of the credits on the university’s recommended class schedule.

The notice of re-grading shall be delivered to the international students by the International Student Affairs Office. Students who are re-graded must report to the new class within one week of the notice being issued.

第三十二条  重新编级的学生,应当向国际学院提交《湖北工业大学来华留学生学籍异动申请表》,编入下一年级学习。毕业生延长学习年限应当缴纳延长期间学费,并按照学校规定按时办理注册手续,超过最长学习年限的不予注册。

Article 32  Students who have been re-graded shall submit the Application Form for Student Status Change of International Students to SIE and be enrolled in the next grade for the continuation of their study. Graduates extending the period of schooling shall pay tuition fees for the extended period and go through registration formalities punctually according to the regulations of the university. Those who exceed the maximum study period are not allowed to be registered.

第三十三条  学生有下列情况之一者,按照退学处理:








Article 33  Students in any of the following circumstances shall be treated as dropouts:

(1) Students who fail to complete their studies within the school's prescribed period of study (including suspension);

(2) Students who have been re-graded due to their grades, and have yet to complete the re-grading in the allotted time period of two weeks after receiving the re-grading notice;

(3) Students who do not apply for resuming school within two weeks after the expiration of a suspension or retention of student status, or have had the resumption of studies application denied;

(4) Students who are diagnosed by HBUT hospital or the school's designated 2A or above hospital as suffering from an illness or accidental disability that prevents them from continuing their studies at school;

(5) Students who have failed to participate in the university’s required teaching & learning activities for more than 2 consecutive weeks without any approval;

(6) Students who are not registered two weeks after the time limit set by the university without a valid reason and have failed to fulfill procedures for suspending registration;

Students who apply for dropping out of school on their own initiative shall go through the formalities of dropping out after examination and approval by the university.

第三十四条  学校以文件形式下达退学决定,直接送达学生本人。学生拒绝签收的,以留置方式送达;已经离校的,采取邮寄方式送达;难于联系的,利用学校网站、新闻媒体等公告方式送达。

Article 34  The decision of dropout shall be issued in the form of a document, which will be delivered to the student directly. If they refuse to sign for receipt, the decision shall be served by lien. For those who have left the university, it shall be sent by mail; if it is impossible to contact the student directly, it shall be delivered by means of announcement through public channels such as the school website or news media.


第七章  转专业、转学与学分认证

Chapter 7  Major Changing, School Transferring and Credit Recognition

第三十五条  学生读完第一学期后,对其他专业有兴趣和专长的,可以在第二学期开学前,提交转专业申请。须由学生本人申请,经转出及转入的培养学院批准,国际学院教务办公室备案后,转入新专业学习,逾期不受理申请。

Article 35  After the first semester of study, international students who have interest and expertise in other majors are allowed to submit an application to change their major before the second semester. The application must be made by the student personally and approved by both the training schools that the international student transfers from and to, and submitted to SIE for record and reference. The student will then be transferred to the new major for further study. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline.

第三十六条  有下列情况之一的,不能转专业:




Article 36  Students can not change their major under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Already having experiences of changing majors or transferring schools;

(2) Being admitted in the form of special enrollment;

(3) Changing majors is not allowed if stipulated by relevant regulations of the state or explicit agreement of the school before admission.

第三十七条  我校可接收国内各高校转学生(含语言生),需同时满足以下条件:





Article 37 We can accept transfer international students (including language students) from domestic universities, who must meet all of the following requirements

(1) Students have studied at other universities in China for one semester and passed all courses;

(2) Students have not been subject to disciplinary action during their study in other domestic universities under our confirmation;

(3) Student holds the original health certificate issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau which must be valid.

Those who are eligible can report to SIE with relevant documents during the specified time-frame.

第三十八  除规定不可免修课程外(本办法第十二条),来华留学转学生第一学期已修课程成绩及学分,可予以认定。

Article 38  Except for courses that can not be exempted (Article 12 of this regulation), the grades and course credits already taken by transferred international students in the first semester can be recognized.


第八章  休学与复学

Chapter 8  Schooling Suspension & Schooling Resumption

第三十九条  学生有下列情况之一者,予以休学:




Article 39 International students under one of the following circumstances shall be suspended from school while retain their student status:

(1) International students who are diagnosed in a designated hospital or the HBUT hospital with an illness , and need to suspend classes for treatment or recuperation for 1/3 or 6 weeks of the total credit hours of a semester;

(2) International students who are absent for more than 1/3 of the total credit hours in a semester for personal affairs;

(3) International students who have applied for suspension or are suggested to take suspension by the university for other special reasons.

第四十条  学生应向国际学院提出书面申请,并附有关证明,国际学院审查、批准。在批准休学之日起1周内办理离校手续,逾期不办理者,由学校直接执行其休学及离境程序,要求学生立即返回所在国家。

Article 40  International students should submit a written application with relevant certificates to SIE for review and approval, and the departure procedures must be completed within one week from the date of approval of suspension. Those that exceed the time limit will become subject to the university’s expulsion procedure and be forced to return to their home country immediately.

第四十一条  学生每次休学期限不少于一学期,累计不超过2个学期。休学期满仍不能回校者,通过书面形式再次办理休学手续。休学时间计入在校学习年限,总修读年限不得超过规定修业年限,对已超过规定修业年限者不予以办理并取消学籍。学生休学时限的计算以国际学院教务办公室核定为准。

Article 41  The suspension period of each international student shall be at minimum one semester, and at maximum will not exceed two semesters cumulatively. If students are still unable to return to school after their suspension period expires, they must go through the suspension procedures again in the written form. The suspension time shall be included in the length of study in the university, and the total length of study must not exceed the prescribed length of schooling in the university. The university shall not handle the procedures for those who have exceeded the time limit and their student status will be revoked. The suspension time limit of international students shall be subject to the approval of the Teaching Affairs Office in SIE.

第四十二条  学生复学按下列规定办理:



Article 42 The resumption of school shall be handled according to the following regulations:

(1) International students who suspend their studies due to illness must submit a Health Certificate confirming their health to SIE by mail or e-mail four weeks before entering China when applying to resume their studies. Only after the Health Certificate has been reviewed by the HBUT hospital or a local 2A or above grade hospital will the university notify the student to return and go through procedures to resume their studies.

(2) Upon the expiration of the suspension period, students should come to the university with the relevant certificates to go through the resumption procedures and fill in the Application Form for Student Status Change of International Students. They are allowed to go through the resumption procedures after the approval of SIE and the filing of Academic Affairs Office of HBUT.


第九章  毕业、结业与肄业

Chapter 9  Graduation, Completion, and Partial Completion

第四十三条  学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完人才培养方案规定内容,成绩合格,达到学校毕业要求的,准予毕业,并在学生离校前颁发毕业证书。


Article 43  Students who have completed the contents specified in the talent training program within the school's prescribed study period, achieved relevant grades and met the school's graduation requirements shall be granted the right to graduate. The graduation certificate shall be issued to students before they leave.

The Degree will be conferred on and the Certificate of Degree will be awarded to the graduates of the bachelor's degree, the master's degree and the doctor's degree by HBUT if they meet the Specific Regulations on the Implementation of International Students’ Degree Conferral (Revised Version).

第四十四条  学生在学校规定学习年限内,修完本专业人才培养方案规定内容,未达到毕业要求,准予结业,由学校颁发结业证书。


Article 44  Students who have completed the contents specified in the talent training program within the school's prescribed study period but fail to meet the graduation requirements are allowed to complete the courses, and a certificate of completion shall be issued by HBUT.

After the completion of courses, students will be granted the right to graduate if he or she returns to the university within the maximum study period and passes the make-up examination(s), retakes the course(s), or makes up the graduation project, thesis and defense, completes the contents specified in the professional training program and meets the graduation requirements of HBUT. The certificate of graduation shall be issued by the university after its approval, and the time of graduation shall be filed in according to the date of issue.

第四十五条  学生因退学等情况中止学业,其在校学习期间所修课程及已经获得的学分,学校可予以记录并出具写实性学习证明或肄业证书。

Article 45  If students suspend their studies due to dropping out, the courses they have taken and the course credits they have obtained during their study at school can be recorded by HBUT, and the school can provide a realistic learning certificate or a certificate of partial completion.

第四十六条  学校执行高等教育学籍学历证书电子注册管理制度,每年将颁发的毕()业证书信息在中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网)进行注册,学位证书在教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心网站进行注册。

Article 46  The electronic registration management system for higher education student status and academic certificates shall be implemented. The information on the Certificate of Graduation (Completion) issued by the university will be registered on the website of CHESICC (China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center), and the Certificate of Degree will be registered on the website of China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Information.

第四十七条  毕业证书、结业证书、肄业证书和学位证书遗失或者损坏,经学生本人申请,学校核实后出具相应的证明书。证明书与原证书具有同等效力。

Article 47  When the Certificate of Graduation, Certificate of Completion, Certificate of Partial Completion or Certificate of Degree are lost or damaged, international students may apply for a corresponding certificate after being verified by HBUT. The new certificate has the same effect as the original.


第十章  附则

Chapter 10  Supplementary Provisions

第四十八条  学校对来华留学生做出退学或者开除等涉及学生重大利益的处理或者处分决定,应事先进行合法性审查,再提交校长委托的专门会议研究决定。

Article 48  The school shall conduct a legal review in advance when making a decision to withdraw or expel an international student in China that involves the major interests of the student involving expulsion or withdrawal of the student. These decisions will be submitted to the University President’s office for review.

第四十九条  学生如果对各类学籍异动处理有异议,可以根据《湖北工业大学来华留学生申诉处理办法》提出申诉。

Article 49  If students have any objection to the treatment of the student status alteration, they can appeal to SIE, HBUT according to the "Regulations for Student’s Appeal at HBUT".

第五十条  本办法适用于我校语言生、高级(普通)进修生、本科生、研究生等所有来华留学生。

Article 50  This Regulation shall be applicable to all international students including Chinese language students, senior (general) advanced students, undergraduates, post-graduates, etc.

第五十一条  本办法于202231日执行,由湖北工业大学国际学院负责解释。

Article 51  The Regulations will be implemented from 1st, March, 2022, and SIE of HBUT shall be responsible for its interpretation.











































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