第一章 总 则
第一条 为了维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障学生的合法权益,创建良好的校风和学风,为国家培养合格人才,根据有关法律、法规、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)、《高等学校学生行为准则》和《湖北工业大学学生违纪处分实施细则》《湖北工业大学本(专)科学生管理规定》,制定本实施细则。
第二条 本实施细则适用于湖北工业大学全体国际学生,即学历教育生(含本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生)和非学历教育生(预科生、进修生和研究学者)。
第三条 学校给予学生处分,坚持教育与惩戒相结合,与学生违法、违纪行为的性质和过错的严重程度相适应,遵循证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、程序正当、处分适当的原则。
第二章 处分的种类与原则
第四条 对有违反法律法规和学校规定、纪律行为的学生,学校给予批评教育,并可视情节轻重,给予纪律处分,处分类别如下:
第五条 除开除学籍处分或清退处理以外,给予学生处分设置期限如下:
第六条 学生在受处分期间受到新的处分,其处分期限为原处分期尚未执行的期限与新的处分期限之和。
第七条 认错态度较好,主动交代违纪事实,有悔改表现,同时有下列情形之一者,可以从轻或者减轻处分:
第八条 有下列情形之一者,可以从重或加重处分:
第九条 受到纪律处分者,应同时受到下列处理:
第十条 学生在受处分期间,不具备评优评先、评定各类奖学金资格。
第三章 违法违纪行为和处分
第十一条 学生有下列情形之一,学校可以给予开除学籍处分或清退处理:
第十二条 违反中国国家法律法规,受到司法机关或公安部门处罚者:
第十三条 打架斗殴、敲诈勒索、威胁、侮辱他人,侵犯他人人身权利,尚不够司法处理者:
第十四条 有偷窃、诈骗公私财物行为,但未受司法机关或公安部门处罚者,除追回赃款、赃物和赔偿损失外:
第十五条 侵犯他人、组织的合法权益,危害公共安全者:
第十六条 在各级各类考试中出现违规行为者:
第十七条 对于违反《《湖北工业大学学生宿舍管理规定》》者:
第十八条 有学业诚信、学术诚信、道德诚信等失信行为者:
第十九条 违反教学管理规定旷课者:
第二十条 私自外出或请假逾期未归者:
第二十一条 违反《湖北工业大学学生宿舍管理规定》,在学生中成立非法组织者:
第二十二条 违反计算机或互联网管理规定者:
第二十三条 收看、复制、传播淫秽书画或其它淫秽物品者:
第二十四条 破坏学校教学、实验、管理和生活服务设施者,给予警告及以上处分,并责令其赔偿经济损失。
第二十五条 组织参与赌博或为赌博提供条件者,视情节严重,给予严重警告及以上处分。
第二十六条 对于酗酒或组织酗酒,以及因为酗酒造成不良影响的,视情节轻重给予警告至开除学籍处分或清退处理。
第二十七条 参与校园不良借贷并造成不良影响者,视情节轻重,给予警告及以上处分;使用他人身份信息进行借贷者,视情节轻重,给予记过及以上处分。
第二十八条 参与组织非法传销,或胁迫、欺骗、诱使他人参与传销者,给予记过直至开除学籍处分或清退处理。
第二十九条 对吸毒、藏毒、贩毒者给予开除学籍处分或清退处理,并移交司法机关处理。
第三十条 参与邪教或在校园内进行封建迷信活动者,给予记过直至开除学籍处分或清退处理。
第三十一条 在学校进行宗教活动者,视情节给予记过直至开除学籍处分或清退处理。
第三十二条 对于“三非”或违反中国相关法律法规者,视情节轻重给予留校察看、开除学籍处分或清退处理。
第四章 处分的程序
第三十三条 处分按照如下程序处理:
第三十四条 学院对学生做出处分时,出具处分决定书。处分决定书包括以下内容:
第三十五条 处理、处分决定以及处分告知书等,由国际学院送达学生本人,学生本人拒绝签收的,由处分决定送达人员记录在案,以留置方式送达;已离校的,采取邮寄方式送达;难以联系的,通过学校网站、新闻媒体等以公告方式送达;对涉及个人隐私、国家机密等情况的处分决定由行文部门决定是否公布。
第三十六条 除开除学籍处分或清退处理外,其他处分的解除程序如下:
第三十七条 解除处分后,学生获得表彰、奖励及其他权益,不再受到原处分的影响。
第五章 处分的救济
第三十八条 学生如对处分决定有异议,可以在接到处分决定书之日起10日内,向学院学生申诉委员会提出书面申诉。具体参照《湖北工业大学学生申诉处理办法》(湖工大监〔2017〕1号)。
第三十九条 被开除学籍或清退处理的学生,可向学校申请相关学习证明。
第四十条 学生的处分及其解除材料均真实完整地归入学校文书档案和本人档案。
第六章 附 则
第四十一条 本细则没有列举的其它违法违纪违规行为,参照本细则有关条款或其他相关规定处理。
第四十二条 本细则由国际学院负责解释。
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Disciplinary Measures for International Students at
Hubei University of Technology
(Revised Edition)
Chapter I General
Article 1 To maintain the normal education & teaching order and life order in Hubei University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as "the University"), safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of students, create a good school spirit and academic atmosphere, and foster qualified talents for the country, detailed rules for implementation are hereby formulated according to relevant laws and regulations, the Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education (No. 41 Order issued by the Ministry of Education), the Rules for the Implementation of Disciplinary Punishments for Students of Hubei University of Technology, the Regulations on Undergraduate & College Student Management of Hubei University of Technology.
Article 2 The Rules apply to all the international students at the University, i.e. degree students (undergraduate, and postgraduate students including Masters and PhD) and non-degree students (preparatory students, advanced students and research students).
Article 3 Punishment imposed on students by the University shall be combined with education and commensurate with natures and severities of illegal conducts & disciplinary offences of students, and shall follow the principles of sufficient evidence, clear basis, accurate evaluation, justified procedure and appropriate punishment.
Chapter II Types, Points and Principles of Punishment
Article 4 Students violating laws and regulations, school rules and disciplines will be criticized by the University, and the following disciplinary punishments can be imposed as the case may be:
(I) Warning;
(II) Serious Warning;
(III) Demerit Record;
(IV) Academic Probation;
(V) Expulsion from the University.
In the case of disciplinary offences by degree students (undergraduates, master students and doctoral students), appropriate sanctions will be imposed accordingly, up to Expulsion from the University. In the case of disciplinary offences by non-degree students (preparatory students, advanced students and research students), appropriate sanctions will be imposed accordingly, up to Dismissal from the University.
Article 5 Except Expulsion or Dismissal from the University, terms of the punishments imposed on students are determined as follows:
(I) The term for Warning is generally 6 months;
(II) The term for Serious Warning is generally 8 months;
(III) The term for Demerit Record is generally 10 months;
(IV) The term for Academic Probation is generally 12 months.
Upon expiry of the terms, the student punished may file a claim and the University shall lift the punishments according to established procedures.
Article 6 In case a student is further punished during the term of a punishment, the final term is the residual term of the original punishment plus the term of the punishment further imposed.
Article 7 In case a violator has a good attitude towards mistakes, makes a voluntary confession and shows repentance, and meanwhile meets one of the following circumstances, a lighter or mitigated punishment will be imposed:
(I) Actively report disciplinary offences of relevant personnel which are verified later;
(II) Effectively prevent the occurrence of serious events or actively retrieve losses;
(III) Offer other meritorious services.
Article 8 A (An) severer or aggravated punishment may be imposed in case of one of the following circumstances:
(I) Intimidate or retaliate against informers or witnesses;
(II) Interfere with the investigation, such as acting in collusion to make each other's confessions identical, giving false testimony, destroying and hiding evidence;
(III) Organize, plan or command in illegal activities and disciplinary offences including more than two (inclusive) persons;
(IV) Be punished for the second time in the school period.
Article 9 Students subject to disciplinary punishment shall be given the following treatments simultaneously in case the conditions are met:
(I) Any student who shall be punished by the public security organization or the judicial organization by law due to his/her violation of laws and regulations shall be transferred to the public security organization or the judicial organization for treatment;
(II) In case that school roll and degree granting are involved, the corresponding treatment shall be given pursuant to relevant laws, regulations and rules;
(III) In case that other relevant regulations are involved, the corresponding treatment shall be given pursuant to relevant regulations.
Article 10 Within the term of punishment, students shall not be eligible for appraisal and shall not be awarded with scholarship.
Chapter III Illegal Conducts & Disciplinary Offences and Corresponding Punishments
Article 11 Any student:
(I) Who violates the constitution and opposes the Four Cardinal Principles shall be expelled or dismissed;
(II) Who plans, organizes & participates in illegal parades & demonstrations or instigates troubles, causing the social order seriously disrupted, the stability and unity undermined, or the university management order destroyed shall be expelled or dismissed;
(III) Who disseminates & spreads reactionary remarks and false information detrimental to the interests of China and the University or insults or slanders others, causing chaos and adverse influences and results shall be expelled or dismissed;
(IV) Who organizes, establishes or joins illegal social groups or organizations, and is involved in illegal activities shall be expelled or dismissed.
Article 12 For any student violating Chinese laws and regulations, and punished by the judicial organization or the public security organization:
(I) A Serious Warning or Demerit Record (as the case may be) shall be imposed in case of security warning or fine;
(II) A Demerit Record, Academic Probation or Expulsion from the University (as the case may be) shall be imposed in case of administrative detention;
(III) An Expulsion from the University shall be imposed in case of criminal punishment imposed for a criminal offence.
Article 13 In case of fighting and brawling, racketeering, intimidation, insulting others or infringement of personal rights of others by a student who shall not be transferred to the judicial organization for treatment due to minor offences:
(I) For a student involved in an occasional conflict, impose a Warning, Serious Warning or Demerit Record as the case may be;
(II) For a student who mainly organizes an occasional group conflict, impose a Demerit Record, Academic Probation, or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University as the case may be;
(III) For disputes among schoolmates not solved through relevant organizations:
1. In case parties involved retaliate afterwards, impose an Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University as the case may be;
2. In case a student instigates other students of the University to threaten, insult, blackmail or assault the adverse party, impose an Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University on both the instigator and the instigated person;
3. In case a student instigates or orders off-campus personnel to threaten, insult, blackmail or assault the adverse party, impose an Expulsion/Dismissal from the University on the instigator;
(IV) In case of infringement of personal rights of the faculty and staff by actions such as abuse, intimation and assaulting, impose a Serious Warning, Demerit Record, Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University as the case may be;
(V) Any armed brawler will be punished according to a heavier level of the above clauses;
Article 14 In case of public and private property stealing or fraud of a student who is not punished by the judicial organization or the public security organization, besides that stolen money & goods shall be recovered, and losses shall be compensated:
(I) For a value below 1,000 yuan (inclusive), impose a Warning or Serious Warning according to the value and circumstance; for a value above 1,000 yuan and below 2,000 yuan (inclusive), impose a Demerit Record or Academic Probation according to the value and circumstance; for a value above 2,000 yuan, impose an Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University according to the value and circumstance;
(II) For public and private property stealing or fraud by more than two (inclusive) students, impose an aggravated punishment on the student who organizes, plans and commands; For any student playing a secondary or accessory role, impose a punishment according to the actual theft and fraud value in clause (I); For any student intimidated or tempted, impose a lesser punishment or exempt from a punishment compared with the punishment imposed on those playing an accessory role according to resipiscence attitude.
Article 15 In case of any student infringing on legitimate rights and interest of others and organizations:
(I) For infringing on others' residences and working places, and adversely affecting the normal learning, working and life of others, impose a Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be;
(II) For illegal detention, false claiming and destruction of other students' letters (including opening and reading), parcels, drafts or other mails, impose a Warning, Serious Warning or Demerit Record as the case may be;
(III) For intimidation or threat to the personal safety of others, and interference with the normal life of others, impose a serious Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be;
(IV) For deliberate fabrication of facts, false accusation, framing, defamation and insult, impose a Serious Warning or Demerit Record as the case may be, and in case of serious consequences, impose an Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University;
(V) For throwing of poisonous and harmful substances to deliberately injure others' body or endanger public security, impose an Expulsion/Dismissal from the University;
(VI) For extortion, blackmailing, robbing and snatching of public and private properties, impose a Demerit Record or Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University as the case may be;
(VII) For any fraudulent use of the university name, violation of the university interests and damage of the university reputation with unfavorable effect or losses, impose a Demerit Record or Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University as the case may be.
Article 16 For any violator in various examinations:
(I) Impose a Warning in case of one of the following circumstances:
1. Carry articles not specified into an examination room or fail to put them in a designated place;
2. Fail to take an examination on a designated seat;
3. Answer with pens or papers not specified;
4. Other minor violations in examination places.
(II) Impose a Serious Warning in case of one of the following circumstances:
1. Answer before the signal for the start of an examination is sent or continue to answer after the signal for the end of an examination is sent;
2. Make noise, smoke or adversely affect the examination place order in an examination place or places explicitly prohibited for the examination;
3. Leave the examination place during the examination without permission of workers;
4. Take examination papers, answer sheets (including answer cards and papers) and sketch papers out of the examination place without following examination requirements;
5. Write the name and examination number on places other than answer sheets, or mark on answer sheets in other ways;
6. Other behaviors violating examination rules, but not constituting cheating behaviors.
(III) Impose a Demerit Record in case of one of the following circumstances:
1. Take an examination with materials related to examination contents or electronic equipment storing data related to examination contents;
2. Intentionally destroy examination papers, answer sheets or examination materials;
3. Peep at nearby desks, whisper, give signals or gesture during the examination.
(IV) Impose an Academic Probation in case of one of the following circumstances:
1. Exchange examination papers, answer papers or sketch papers;
2. Send or receive answers by communication equipment such as computer, mobile phone and micro earpieces or search online for contents related to the examination;
3. Grab or steal examination papers, answer papers or sketch papers of others or intimidate others to copy for yourself;
4. Write names or examination numbers and other student information inconsistent with yours on answer sheets;
5. Become qualified for an examination or score adding, and get an examination result through fake proofs, files and other materials;
6. Be deemed as having similar answers during the marking process;
7. Obtain or try to obtain examination answers or examination scores through improper means;
8. Send, receive and check on contents related to the examination through QQ or WeChat;
9. Other relatively serious cheating behaviors.
(V) Impose an Expulsion or a Dismissal from the University in case of one of the following circumstances:
1. Surrogate other persons to take an examination or let other persons take an examination for you;
2. Cheat as a gang;
3. Participate in a gang cheating by providing examination information, answers and corresponding equipment to the organizers of the cheating;
4.Sell examination questions or answers to others for profits, and cheat or disturb the examination order more seriously.
Article 17 For any student violating the Provisions on Student Dormitory Management of Hubei University of Technology :
(I) For any student who does any of the following, impose a Warning or above depending on the circumstances and consequences:
1. Dismantle or damage public facilities arbitrarily and refuse to stop after criticism;
2. Privately connect wires or pull wires without permission or violate regulations to use electricity or fire, resulting in potential fire hazard or fire;
3. Carry combustible, explosive, poisonous and radioactive articles into the dormitory;
4. Exchange rooms or rent out beds without permission, and engage in business activities such as sales which affect accommodation order;
5. Keep pets in the dormitory, or carry pets into the dormitory without listening to the dissuasion.
(II) For any student accommodating the opposite sex or stay overnight in the dormitory of the opposite sex, impose an Academic Probation or above depending on the circumstances and consequences;
(III) In case of economic losses or personal injuries to others, the party concerned shall compensate for the economic losses by law and bear corresponding legal responsibilities and impose a Warning or above depending on the severity of the circumstances.
(IV) For any student who return late or do not return without reason, impose a Warning or above depending on the circumstances and consequences.
(V) For any student staying off-campus without going through the off-campus accommodation procedures, impose a Warning or above, depending on the circumstances and consequences.
For other disciplinary offences not listed, please refer to the Provisions on Hubei University of Technology
International Student Dormitory Management (Trial).
Article 18 For dishonesties in study, academy and morality:
(I) In case of one of the following circumstances during the writing of academic papers and degree dissertations, impose a Warning, Serious Warning, Demerit Record, Academic Probation and Expulsion from the University as the case may be:
1. Copy or plagiarize academic achievements of others;
2. Tamper with or falsify research data;
3. Write papers for others or buy and sell papers;
(II) In case of the stamping of an official seal without permission, or tampering with and falsifying various certificates, credentials and report data, impose a Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be;
(III) In case of fraud in scholarship evaluation, impose a Serious Warning, Demerit Record, Academic Probation and expulsion from the University as the case may be;
(IV) In case of false testimony in the treatment for disciplinary offences to interfere with the investigation, impose a Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be;
(V) In case of false declaration or concealed declaration in various investigations organized on campus or commitments signed, impose a Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be;
Article 19 For any student violating teaching management regulations to play truant for no reason:
(I) Impose a Warning for 10-20 class hours’ absence;
(II) Impose a Serious Warning for 21-30 class hours’ absence;
(III) Impose a Demerit Record for playing truant for 31-40 class hours’ absence;
(IV) Impose an Academic Probation for 41-50 class hours’ absence;
(V) Impose an Expulsion or Dismissal from the University for more than 51 class hours’ absence;
For absenteeism for many times, the number of class hours shall be calculated accumulatively by semester.
Article 20 In case any student leaves school without authorization or does not return to the university upon expiry of the leave period:
If the total length of unauthorized absence is within 2 weeks, impose a Warning or above as the case may be; if the total length of unauthorized absence exceeds 2 weeks, impose an Expulsion or Dismissal from the University.
The length of unauthorized absence shall be accumulated by semester.
Article 21 In case any student violating the Provisions on Student Dormitory Management of Hubei University of Technology establishes any illegal organization among students:
(I) For any active participant, impose a serious Warning or Demerit Record;
(II) For any organizer, impose a Demerit Record;
(III) For any main initiator or organizer, impose an Academic Probation or expulsion from the University.
Article 22 In case any student violates computer or Internet management regulations:
(I) Impose a Demerit Record or a more severe punishment in case of one of the following circumstances:
1. Unauthorized use of any account number or IP address of others, encroachment on network information resources of others, or hacking into networks of national administrative organizations or enterprises and institutions;
2. Building reactionary or pornographic web pages or providing reactionary or pornographic website link services;
3. Creating or transmitting computer viruses which affect the normal operation of the computer system or network.
(II) For any student downloading, copying, browsing, playing, creating or transmitting reactionary or pornographic contents, impose a Demerit Record or Academic Probation as the case may be;
(III) For any student building reactionary or pornographic websites, impose an Expulsion/Dismissal from the University.
Article 23 In case any student watches, copies, or spreads pornographic books & pictures or other pornographic goods:
(I) For any student watching pornographic goods, impose a Warning or Serious Warning as the case may be;
(II) For any student creating, copying, spreading or concealing pornographic goods, impose a Demerit Record or Academic Probation as the case may be; for any student refuses to correct after education or the situation is serious, impose an Expulsion/Dismissal from the University.
Article 24 In case any student destroys teaching, experimental, management and life service facilities on campus, impose a Warning or a more severe punishment, and order to pay economic losses.
Article 25 In case any student organizes and participates in gambling or provide conditions for gambling, impose a serious Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be;
Article 26 In case any student engages in or organises alcohol abuse, or causes adverse effects due to alcohol abuse, impose a Warning to Expulsion or Dismissal depending on the severity of the case.
Article 27 In case any student participates in bad lending on campus and cause an adverse effect, impose a Warning or a more severe punishment as the case may be; in case any student borrows or lends by the identity information of others, impose a Demerit Record or a more severe punishment as the case may be.
Article 28 For any student participating in a pyramid scheme, and coercing, cheating or inducing others to participate in a pyramid scheme, impose a Demerit Record, Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University.
Article 29 In case of any drug abuse, drug concealing or drug trafficking, impose an Expulsion or a Dismissal from the University and transfer to the judicial organization for treatment.
Article 30 In case any student participates in any evil organization or carries out feudalism superstition activities on campus, impose a Demerit Record or a more severe punishment.
Article 31 For any student carrying out religious activities on campus, impose a Demerit Record, Academic Probation or Expulsion/Dismissal from the University as the case may be.
Article 32 For the cases of illegal immigration, residence,employment, and any other illegal act,School of International Education will impose punishments ranging from Academic Probation to Expulsion/Dismissal according to the state of affairs.
Chapter IV Punishment Procedure
Article 33 Punishment shall be subject to the following procedure:
(I) For other disciplinary offences other than examination rule breaking behaviors of international students, the supervisor of the student shall, according to the Detailed Rules, put forward preliminary punishment opinions which shall be submitted to the Student Affairs Office with materials on violation facts. Later on, Student Affairs Office shall give punishment opinions, and the supervisor of the student shall explicate facts, reasons and basis of the punishment in writing to the student who is required to fill the Disciplinary Action Registration Form;
(II) For examination rule breaking behaviors of international students, the Academic Affairs Office shall organize two or more personnel to investigate facts, collect and store corresponding evidence materials, determine disciplinary offences of examinees, and put forward punishment opinions; then, the supervisor of the student shall explicate facts, reasons and basis of the punishment in writing to the student and require him/her to fill the Disciplinary Action Registration Form;
(III) After hearing the statement and explanation of students, the punishment opinion drafting department shall report to the competent school leader and university leader for approval;
(IV) In case it is suggested to impose an Expulsion or a Dismissal from the University, after the above procedure, relevant personnel shall submit to the Office of Legislative Affairs of the University for legitimate review and report to the Chairman's meeting or a special meeting authorized by the Chairmen for discussion.
Article 34 The University shall issue a letter of punishment decisions for the punishment to be imposed. The letter of punishment decisions shall include the following contents:
(I) Basic information of the student;
(II) Facts and evidences based on the punishment decisions;
(III) Punishment type, basis and term;
(IV) Appealing way and term;
(V) Other necessary contents.
Article 35 The letter of punishment decisions and punishment notice shall be delivered to the student by the International School, and in case he / she refuses to sign, the server shall put on record and deliver by way of lien; in case the student has graduated from the university, deliver by mail; in case It is hard to contact the student, deliver through the university website and news media for public announcement; For punishment decisions involving personal privacy and national secrets, the punishment opinion drafting department shall determine whether it is appropriate to publicize.
Article 36 Except Expulsion or Dismissal from the University, the procedure of lifting other punishments is as follows:
(I) The student punished shall submit a written application for punishment lifting to the School of International Education within one month before the expiry of the punishment term;
(II) The college shall evaluate the student's performance during the punishment term, and give a written suggestion on lifting the punishment on schedule within half a month before the expiry of the punishment term;
(III) Submit to the competent university leader for approval after the review and drafting by the punishment opinion drafting department.
Article 37 After any punishment is lifted, recognition, reward and other rights and interests of the student will not be adversely affected by the previous punishment.
Chapter V Remedy of Punishment
Article 38 In case any student raises an objection to a punishment decision, he / she may appeal to the Student Appeal Committee of the University in writing within 10 days upon receipt of the letter of punishment decisions. Refer to the Methods for Appeal Handling of Hubei University of Technology for details.
Article 39 For any student expelled or dismissed from the university, a studying certificate can be issued by the University upon application.
Article 40 Punishment and lifting data of the student shall be authentically and completely kept in the document archives of the University and the student's archives.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 41 For other illegal activities and disciplinary offences not mentioned in the Detailed Rules, corresponding treatment shall be given by referring to relevant clauses herein or other relevant regulations.
Article 42 The Detailed Rules shall be explained by School of International Education.

湖北工业大学学校办公室 2022年9月21日印发